ECO Councils: the ecology of home and life

Imagine an ideal situation - a new apartment, which we can equip to your taste. Or even the old one, in which we want to make the most "Environmentally friendly" repair. So, let's begin.

Is man in the 21st century completely powerless against the harmful impact of the side effects of scientific and technological progress? Our advice will help you to minimize them at least at home, and in addition, do your bit to protect the environment. It is only necessary to master some simple rules, and it will be easier for us to breathe, and the world around will become purer and better.

Today, 22 April, Earth Day is celebrated in many countries of the world. This holiday is devoted to the need for humanity to pay attention to the problems of ecology.

Let us note that the Earth Day is dedicated to environmental problems and issues of preserving the natural environment. For the first time this day was celebrated in 1970 year in the USA, and then it began to be celebrated in other countries of the world.

On Earth Day, it is customary to hold environmental actions and to engage in the greening of streets. In some large cities on busy streets on the occasion of Earth Day, traffic is reduced to make the air cleaner.

Floor. Floors must breathe - the main rule. Underfloor heating is good, but only if heating is provided by hot water. However, this technology is often criticized for “complications” in the form of water plugs at the joints. But electric floor heating is not at all welcomed by hygienists - this is additional electromagnetic radiation. If it's too cold for you to walk on the floor, wear slippers made of natural materials or put on it a natural cotton rug, a wicker mat - everything that will help you feel comfortable.

To the quality of linoleum too, there are certain requirements, which are often hushed up by sellers. Meanwhile, a conscientious manufacturer always indicates this in a hygienic certificate. In children's institutions use one, in offices - another, with a more pronounced smell. To fade away, it will fade away and harm from it will not be great, but here the head may be sick for a while, and the eyes water. So think - is it worth saving on your body, do you need any extra manifestations of allergy? In general, the study of a hygienic certificate should become ECO-Rule No. 1 when selecting building materials.

If you are allergic, then instead of linoleum you can lay a laminate, but certainly not carpet, especially when allergic to dust. Or, if you spent your whole life in Soviet-style apartments, hung and lined with carpets, and can not live any other way, get a modern water vacuum cleaner and do a wet cleaning several times a week. The ideal option is natural parquet, but not everyone can afford it.

Walls. One of the most environmentally friendly materials are wallpapers, ideally - from natural materials. There are vinyl materials that meet modern requirements for environmental safety, non-woven wallpaper with a printed pattern and many other types of "safe" wallpapers. If you are an adherent of modern technologies, you can use resistant paints on a natural basis for painting walls, but remember that they are quite expensive.

Ceiling. Natural (if we are already talking about the environment), paint for the ceiling is not affordable for everyone. Gypsum plasterboard ceilings have been and remain a favorite, ergonomic and economical technology for the average reader. Is drywall dry? If you choose a good quality material from a manufacturer with a reliable reputation, then no. Check the certificate, especially when studying the data on moisture resistance: if the material does not have good moisture resistance, it quickly falls apart when it gets wet, even after a year or a year and a half of regular wet cleanings - then, of course, there is no ecological compatibility.

Window. Certainly, from the point of view of ecology, it is necessary to choose windows from natural wood or metal-plastic. All manufacturers of metal windows now give quality guarantees with safety indicators. Lead-free technologies and high-quality plastics have been used in advanced production for a long time. Plastic itself can release harmful substances as a result of chemical decomposition reactions only at very high temperatures — above 100 degrees. A large amount of research was carried out - at a temperature of + 35 degrees in the apartment there were no harmful effects from metal-plastic windows. If several years ago, due to a high degree of isolation, there was only one problem - stuffy in an apartment with such windows - now manufacturers have “invented” windows with an airing function. Yes, and the east window, these "environmentally friendly", with a high degree of thermal, heat and sound insulation.

After carrying out minimal repairs, we will pass to the technical equipment of our dwelling. Remember that the main principle guaranteeing the balance of "ecology - scientific and technological progress" when acquiring any modern technology is a reasonable approach and sense of proportion.

For example, the kitchen. Need to equip a small kitchen with a lot of electrical appliances, if it already has an electric stove, microwave, refrigerator (and some even have a freezer in addition)? Unfortunately, usually this does not stop there. Electric kettle, microwave oven, and even TV today are equipped with many kitchens, regardless of their size. But no one thinks about the fact that such a number of simultaneously switched on devices causes an interference (the imposition of the electromagnetic field of one device on another). And this can really bring harm to health. But there is a way out: if you absolutely need a complete set of modern appliances in the kitchen - from the electric kettle to the bread maker, at least turn it on alternately and do not stand for a long time over the devices included in the network.

About the microwave should be said separately. The instructions indicate that the devices are used for fast cooking, heating and thawing food. They are very convenient: stylish, quick to use - plus they take up little space in the kitchen. On the one hand, they use electromagnetic energy of sufficiently high power (ultrahigh frequencies up to 2000 MHz, with power up to 10 kW. On the other, the safety of these devices is in their tightness. When buying a micro wave, pay attention to one important detail - the door on The front wall must be very tightly closed. The furnace itself has a highly efficient metal mesh that protects a person from the influence of electromagnetic energy. But during operation, the doors can move away and through the formed shell Electromagnetic energy does not come — it’s also dangerous to health. Remember also that with fast cooking, it may not only fail to break down some nutrients (what microwave manufacturers focus on in advertising), but also completely break down protein. Ideally, microwaves should be used more to heat food than to cook it.

Bathroom. Today, there are many tips for the environmentally friendly operation of a washing machine. We are talking about new washing technologies, materials about which a tank and a drum are made, and about saving power consumption. (It is considered that if the washing machine is not operated correctly, the power consumption can be from 10% to 30%.) But one of the highlights , affecting both the environmental friendliness of the washing process, and the condition of the laundry after it, is still the quality of the detergent powder. Today, there are many environmentally friendly gels or powders without phosphates on sale. In addition, you can significantly "improve" environmental quality Lingerie, avoiding air conditioners and bleaches, as well as any chlorine-containing products. Using powders (as well as other household chemicals), make sure that the dose of the product is in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Use measuring cups for powder. There are also new ways of washing, allowing to reduce its quantity.

Room. After exhausting summer heat, the first device that will receive our attention is the air conditioner. Everyone knows stories about the infections that some very zealous lovers of these devices ("sickleagues") have paid for their comfort. However, not everyone knows that the cause of these infections in most cases is ... non-compliance with environmental safety rules - untimely replacement of filters. What can happen if you forget to change the filter on time? Symptoms like colds or allergies may appear. It becomes difficult to breathe, dryness in the nasopharynx, nasal congestion, rashes on the skin, nausea. Sometimes these symptoms are accompanied by severe fatigue, difficulty concentrating, memory impairment ... The fact is that the amount of toxins in unventilated rooms with air conditioning is 6-7 times more than in natural ventilation. If the filters do not change in time, they become contaminated and become a source of various toxins, including microbial infection. A negative influence can also be exerted by air ionization. So do not save on filters, and change them according to the instructions. In addition, constantly monitor not only the temperature in the room, but also the humidity of the air!

This is followed by the TV, which is written many times more than about the air conditioner. Without doubting that none of the readers is going to abandon this benefit of civilization in an apartment, we simply give basic safety rules, under which you don’t have to talk about the health risks of a TV. Undoubtedly, this device is a source of electromagnetic, ultraviolet, infrared and soft X-ray radiation. And the electrostatic voltage around the kinescope creates aeroionization of air in a room with positively charged ions. All together does not pass without a trace for health, if you sit for hours at the screen. Therefore, the first principle - the larger the screen - the farther you need to be from the TV. For example, the 17-centimeter screen requires a safe distance from it at a distance of 2 m, and 21-centimeter - 3-3,5 m. But these recommendations, as a rule, no one adheres to. The second principle - limit the time spent at the blue screen. Especially for children. For children of preschool age - up to 2 hours, aces per day, for adults - up to 3 hours. And be sure to take breaks in watching TV.

The apartment may have many other devices, each of which is physically impossible to tell in one article. Therefore, we only point out the main principle of security: placing electrical appliancesin the apartment, be sure to follow the recommendations stated in the operating instructions. Avoid electromagnetic "interlacing" and staying in their zone for a long time (especially in the planning of recreation areas and beds).

Below is a list of tips that will allow you to maximally "protect" yourself in terms of ecology in all areas of life - at home, at the dacha, at work, on the street.

ECO Councils for adherents of a healthy lifestyle and environmentalists

  • Give up excess funds household. For example, the floor can be perfectly cleaned without the means for washing the floors, if the apartment has not been repaired for years.
  • Install water meters - this will allow you to adequately assess water consumption.
  • Spend in the shower no more than 10 minutes and turn on warm water instead of hot. And save energy and do not dry the skin.
  • When washing, reduce the flow of water from the tap, adjusting its pressure. From a fully open faucet with water, every minute goes into the sewerage to 15 liters of water.
  • Use batteries instead of disposable batteries.
  • Use in the apartment energy-saving light bulbs (they consume 75% less energy).
  • If necessary, do not turn on electrical appliances and do not leave them running in the background (for example, when the mobile phone is not on charge, do not leave the charger in the outlet).
  • Going out of the room, always turn off the light, and leaving the car - the headlights.
  • Use the stairs more often instead of the elevator - it is useful both for your body and for your health.
  • At work and work go on foot, if possible. If this is not possible, try to walk at least 30 every day.
  • Discard the car at least 1 - 2 day per month.
  • Use mobile phones only for a brief conversation - this connection is not for nothing called mobile and it uses rather rigid electromagnetic waves.
  • Choose the product in eco-friendly packaging. Pay attention to the marking: the round arrow icon means that the packaging is made of recyclable materials-buying goods in such packaging, you support environmentally conscious producers.
  • Buy commonly used goods and products in economical packages.
  • Buy drinks in glass bottles - they can be handed over and reused, while disposable plastic containers are not amenable to natural biodegradation.
  • Refuse if possible from plastic bags. Now on sale there are special cloth bags for purchases. If you are already taking a plastic bag, then try to use it again, for example, for ejecting garbage.
  • Do not buy products that look unnaturally bright due to dyes and flavors.
  • Do not buy products with too long shelf life due to artificial additives and preservatives.
  • Discard the use of disposable tableware
  • Buy organic cosmetics (companies that produce such products do not test it on animals and try to replace synthetic ingredients with natural ones).
  • If possible, do not disdain folk cosmetic recipes from natural ingredients.
  • Try not to waste paper in vain, if possible, use the printed documents for drafts.

Author: Vilchinskaya Tatiana


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