Chocolate sausage from cookies

This is the most favorite treat of my childhood! How much warmth and happiness in this recipe. Today I cook for my daughter, like my mother used to be for me. Sweet and Aromatic sausage!

Description of preparation:

This is a classic variant of making chocolate sausage from cookies. But you can add new ingredients every time and make this dessert only better and more delicious! Good luck! In the meantime, I will tell and show you how to make chocolate sausage from cookies.


  • Cookies - 500 Grams
  • Butter - 200 Grams
  • Walnuts or peanuts - 100 grams
  • Sugar - 1 Glass
  • Cocoa - 2 Art. spoons (with a slide)
  • Milk - 100 Milliliters

Servings: 3

How to cook "Chocolate sausage from cookies"

Prepare foods for dessert. Nuts free from the shell.

In a bowl, combine the butter with milk, sugar and cocoa. Heat the mass on the steam bath until all ingredients are dissolved. Do not bring them to a boil! The main thing is to make the oil warm, sugar dissolved.

Hands or a rolling pin break the cookies into small pieces.

Chop peeled nuts in a mortar or simply chop with a knife. Add them to the cookies. Stir.

Pour sweet milk over butter cookies.

And mix well with a spoon. It should make a viscous thick mass.

Put some of the sweet mass on the food wrap, wrap it tightly like a sausage. I got three small sausages. Tie the edges tightly so that the sausage takes shape, and send it to the refrigerator for an hour in 3-4. After this time, the sausage will be ready!


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