Baby food 8 month

Baby food: 8 months

Eating baby eight monthsAt the age of eight months, it is already possible to replace all feeding with solid food, but still, it is not necessary to give up breastfeeding altogether. It is advisable to leave the morning and evening feeding for breastfeeding.

In 8 months, you can use multi-component cereals and cereals with vegetable or fruit additives. Porridge to cook on milk, water or add a milk formula. It is good to add fruit puree, honey or a little sugar.

At this age, you can offer soup-puree, cooked on a meat broth. In the broth, put the diced potatoes, carrots, onions and a little greens. Cook until ready, salt, season with vegetable or butter. Mix in a blender or soften with a fork. The baby has a few teeth, so the pieces of food should be small.

Meat in the diet can also be increased. It is rich in animal proteins, fats, amino acids, vitamins and mineral salts. Meat is well boiled and crushed, and after that add to the porridge and vegetable puree. It is better to use delicate dietary meat of turkey, chicken, veal. Cautiously enter chicken meat, as it can cause allergic reactions. It is important to know that poultry meat contains the largest number of unsaturated fatty acids, which are indispensable in the process of growth and development of the child.

Continue to give kefir and homemade cottage cheese.

For quick cooking, you can use ready-made baby food - instant cereals that do not need to be boiled, just pour boiling water over baby puree (fruit, vegetable and meat). Keep in mind that open mashed potatoes must be used during the day.

You can already give crunches and bagels. Especially it will be to the place, if teeth appear and the gum is scratched.

Always observe the rules of feeding, use individual dishes, a cup, discard bottles! And be sure to wash your baby's hands before eating.
In 8 months, weight gain is 500 g, and in growth - one and a half cm.

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