How does Chris Heria train? Training program and nutrition

Chris Heria is one of the most popular Calisthenics athletes. More than two million people have subscribed to his YouTube channel about bodyweight training, and on Instagram, the number of subscribers is also measured in six figures.

Calisthenics workouts are especially popular among teenagers. Calisthenics allows them not only to develop physical strength, but also to form an athletic posture. Chris Heria actively helps popularize this sport. Below we will tell you exactly how he trains.

// Who is Chris Heria?

Calisthenica is a system of functional training with your own body weight. The name refers to the combination of the Greek words kallos - "beauty" and sthenos - "strength". For a successful workout, just a horizontal bar and parallel bars are enough, and many exercises can be performed even at home in an empty room.

Since Chris Heria was born in Miami (his birthday is December 21, 1991), since childhood he spent a lot of time on outdoor sports grounds on the beach. Having achieved phenomenal results on the horizontal bar and uneven bars, the athlete shares his experience in numerous training videos.

A key focus of Chris's workouts is to work out the core muscles using dynamic exercises. He constantly notes that in order to pump the abs correctly, it is necessary to learn how to involve muscles in the work when performing exercises, and not just perform repetitions due to the force of inertia.

// Read more:

  • back exercises on the street - workout workout
  • functional training for the whole body - with bozu and bodybar
  • plank for beginners - 25 options


Tattoos are one of the hallmarks of Chris Heria's image. He made his first tattoo at the age of 16 - moreover, it was a tattoo on his neck. According to Chris, in this way he wanted to show the denial of the office lifestyle, since with such a “label” his chances of finding a standard job were reduced to almost zero.

Chris's back depicts a monk named Thich Quang Duc who self-immolated in 1963. He sacrificed himself in the name of proclaiming equality in the rights of Buddhists and Catholics. For Heria, a monk enveloped in flames is a symbol of the triumph of spirit over matter and a sign of the need to be mentally collected.

// Training program

Chris Heria's channel features over a hundred workout videos, most of which are about fat burning and abs. The difficulty level of the exercises is advanced. The following exercise program is recommended as a morning warm-up to shape the body and strengthen the core:

1. Dynamic bar

A dynamic plank is an alternating execution of a plank on the elbows and a plank on outstretched arms (without interruption). Your core and abdominal muscles should be in constant conscious tension. Chris reminds you to watch your breathing while doing the exercise. Perform 45 seconds.

// Plank - how to do it right?

2. Burpy exercise

Burpee combines the elements of squats, planks, push-ups and explosive up jumps. Exercise develops joint mobility and coordination of movements, and is also the leader in calories burned during exercise. 20 reps.

// Burpee's Exercise - Walkthrough

3. Side plank with a hip lift

The exercise combines a side plank with lifting the hips as high as possible, which allows you to use the muscles of the lateral press. Maintain a normal breathing rhythm and contract your abdominal muscles as you move up. 25 reps on each side of the body.

// Oblique abdominal muscles - how to pump?

4. Push-ups with pushing up

At the top of normal floor push-ups, lift yourself off the ground with a pushing motion. However, be careful and careful when landing - gently distribute the load on your fingers and wrists. 25 reps.

// Beginner's push up program

5. Exercise "Rock climber" with a turn of the leg

The starting position is a plank on outstretched arms. After that, due to the activation of the abdominal muscles, the right knee is directed to the left elbow, until it is easy to touch - the movement is performed on exhalation. Then, without interruption, repetition for the left leg. Perform 45 seconds.

// Rock Climber Exercise - How To Do It Right?

6. Alternate leg raises

Starting position - sitting on the floor, hands as support. Stretch your straight legs forward, then make alternating lifts using the muscles of the lower press. Make sure that the lower back does not take on the load, but it is the abdominal muscles that work. Perform 45 seconds.

// How to download the lower press?

7. Exercise "Boat"

The final exercise is static. The starting position is similar to the previous one. Raise your straight legs slightly upward, while stretching your arms forward and tensing your core and abs as much as possible. Hold the position. Perform 45 seconds.

// Static exercises - what do they give?

Comments on the program

The presented program, like most other programs from Chris Heria, implies a good level of physical fitness. If you are just starting to exercise, it is recommended to start with basic ab exercises - they will help develop the neuromuscular connection between the abdominal muscles and the brain.

Pay special attention to learning the technique of doing push-ups and planks - despite the fact that they are considered simple, there are a number of technique rules that must be strictly followed. For example, when doing push-ups, you should watch the position of the shoulder blades - they should not go up from the back.

// Read more:

  • basic abs exercises
  • what effect does the bar give - result in 30 days
  • how to do push-ups?

Chris Heria's nutrition and diet

The best diet, according to Chris Heria, is 16/8 intermittent fasting. This scheme allows him not only to gain lean muscle mass, but also to effectively use the body's energy reserves - by speeding up metabolism.

“By exercising on an empty stomach, I use up the excess calories I got the day before. I am sure that all the excess will be used up before I start a new meal. If you got up in the morning and had breakfast first, a new portion of food will fall on top of yesterday's dinner (its leftovers). Ultimately, you will certainly face the problem of accumulating extra calories. "

// Chris Heria - Nutrition:

  • foods with a low glycemic index
  • interval fasting
  • green vegetables and other fiber foods
  • refusal of fast food
  • giving up gluten

Prohibited and permitted and food

Chris recommends avoiding fast food and industrially prepared foods altogether as they contain trans fats. It is these foods that cause the deposition of belly fat. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the salt content in the diet, since it provokes water retention in the tissues.

Diet for drawing the press involves the use of fiber-rich foods - primarily, various vegetables and whole grains. Chris pays special attention to having the right fats in the diet - he recommends eating eggs, avocados and sea fish (a source of Omega-3 fatty acids). He also includes lentils in six of his favorite foods.

// Read more:

  • trans fats - what is the harm?
  • top 20 healthy foods
  • lentils - composition, benefits and harms


Chris Heria is one of the most popular calisthenics athletes advocating the benefits of bodyweight training. The key focus of this type of workout is on strengthening your core and abdominal muscles, as well as developing a sense of balance.

Source of illustrations:


  • Do This Routine Every Morning To Get Shredded, youtube
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