Four side effects of pregnancy


1439531970_2013121352aac8521c8adAlmost every woman of the right age, after learning that she is pregnant, meets this news with a joyful smile. The first few days the future mother is delighted with the realization of her situation. She tells relatives and friends about this, listens to the awakening maternal feelings, and suddenly comes to the store for the first ringlets, feels a sharp nausea. So for the first time a woman realizes the opposite, not the iridescent side of bearing a child. There are a few basic troubles that almost always lie in wait for a happy mummy. Just about them and about ways of overcoming these "side effects" of pregnancy will be further discussed.

The first side effect, which has already been mentioned - toxicosis. Toxicosis is a very unpleasant phenomenon that manifests itself mainly in the early stages of pregnancy. This is, simply put, nausea, which appears as a pathological reaction of the body of the expectant mother to the fetus developing in it. It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely get rid of this trouble, but it is quite possible to alleviate the suffering.

To reduce morning sickness it is necessary to get up slowly with short respites. Nausea will help to muffle cracker or cracker on soda before breakfast. You can not leave your stomach empty, you need to constantly snack a little at regular intervals. In addition, you should avoid the sun and stuffy rooms, which contribute to exacerbation of nausea.

Second side effect of pregnancy - this is the depletion of vitamin stores in the body and the general weakening of the woman's immunity - all this leads to the fact that the teeth begin to deteriorate during pregnancy, the tooth enamel begins to break down, the hair becomes brittle and falls out in large quantities, and the expectant mother constantly feels tired. In order to cope with this, it is necessary to eat as much fruit as possible, to rest more. You should also buy special vitamins for pregnant women. But to turn a blind eye to chronic fatigue or sick teeth, referring to pregnancy, it is not necessary, it is better to contact a specialist.

Third side effect Is the weight that the expectant mother gains during pregnancy. The bulk of overweight people are women, whose weight has crept up during pregnancy and continued to grow after childbirth. The fact is that a woman and a child during pregnancy form a single whole and by nature is arranged in such a way that the metabolism changes sharply towards the predominance of accumulative and building processes, which is why excess weight arises. To maintain normal weight, the expectant mother should eat at least several times a day, but little by little, often walk, engage in special physical training for pregnant women. By the time of childbirth, a woman must have strong muscles to cope with the load.

The fourth side effect - psychological disorders of mother's bush, leading to refusal to fulfill marital duty. A woman during pregnancy sharpens a grudge against her husband for the fact that he cannot share all the hardships with her and feel what she feels. This causes a certain cooling in the relationship and the woman's refusal to have sex with her own husband. But behaving this way is not the best option for anyone. It turns out that sex will bring pleasure to all three - both mom and dad and the future baby. Firstly, the orgasm and positive emotions of the mother are transmitted to the child, and secondly, during intercourse, the baby is in motion, does a kind of exercise, which prepares him well for childbirth. Thus, the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe.

In order not to happen, the main thing is do not despair and remember, you need to solve problems as they come, and children are flowers of life, and to deserve such a flower you can and suffer.

What changes in the body during pregnancy:

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