Astrologers named the most touchy men by their zodiac sign

Astrologers named the most touchy men by their zodiac sign.

Among them Leo, reports word phrase.


This zodiac sign is the most touchy. Therefore, it is often difficult with these men. Since you have to constantly select words, do not provoke him and ponder each of your actions.

a lion

Leos are very selfish and proud. But they are still easy to offend if you doubt their majesty or significance. But it is better not to offend him, because such a man turns into a cold-blooded person who will easily punish the “guilty” with total ignorance and can cross him out of the social circle.


Virgo men are like a bare nerve. If you hurt their feelings, then wait for an answer. It is very difficult to communicate with them, because they demand perfection from the world.


Capricorns are quite vindictive. They may suddenly use swearing, fists, or violent revenge. And all due to the fact that the insult was accumulating, and only now his roof was blown off.

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