Why children under one year can not drink cow's milk

Cow milk, despite the fact that it has many useful qualities, is not welcomed by modern pediatricians in the diet of children under three years of age.

For their taste and the ability to cook different dishes on its basis, many people love and appreciate milk. However, his Do not give children for up to a year, as from him more harm than good. For babies the most optimal variant of nutrition is mother's milk. If there is no possibility to breast-feed, then it is better to use a child's adapted milk formula.

The reasons why milk is prohibited for children under one year

In cow's milk there are a lot of nutrients, but there are too many of them for the baby. His body is not designed for the load that he feels because of the consumption of milk.

Dr. Eugene Komarovsky specifies: "Let's compare women's milk and cow's milk. First of all, let's pay attention to calcium. The amount of calcium in human milk is 25 mg, and in cow's milk - 120 mg. Further phosphorus: in female - 13, in cow - 95. How much more in cow's milk is calcium and phosphorus! What is the main thing for the calf? So that his bones grow faster, so that he grows faster faster.

In the intestines of the baby, calcium and phosphorus fall about 6 times more than necessary. Calcium absorption is regulated in a complex manner. In order for calcium to absorb, thyroid hormones, parathyroid hormones, vitamin D, 2 of the amino acid type are needed. They regulate the amount of calcium, and calcium is absorbed as much as necessary. The rest of the calcium is sent to the priests. Phosphorus is absorbed much easier. Without hormones, without vitamins. Absorbed minimum 1 / 3 from the amount that enters the intestine.

It turns out that calcium is absorbed as much as necessary, and phosphorus is much more. And the kidney tries to quickly get rid of excess phosphorus. But the kidney of a small child can not remove phosphorus, while retaining the right amount of calcium. Therefore, a child under one year, drinking milk, does not receive calcium, but, on the contrary, removes calcium from the body. And no matter how much we give vitamin D, the child does not have enough calcium. But it's not forever. After a year, the kidney begins to ripen, the possibilities of electrolyte metabolism improve, and the milk ceases to be dangerous. And after three years, drink as much milk as you can. "

However, in cow's milk there is little iron, which threatens the development of iron deficiency anemia.

Research by allergists suggests that the use of cow's milk in the first three months of life dramatically increases the possibility of the child's allergies to milk and dairy products.

Under the ban for children up to a year, goats and goats. Since the year you can enter milk into the baby's diet, but not more than 1-2 glasses per day. Before consumption, milk should be boiled. Advantage is best given to special baby milk. Reasonably drink milk and be healthy!


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