How to follow the teeth during pregnancy

teethPregnancy is accompanied by a significant restructuring of the woman's body. And with the increase in the period of pregnancy changes in the body are increasing. Perestroika in the body as a whole has its manifestation in the dentoalveolar system. This requires that you have an idea of ​​everything that can adversely affect the maxillofacial system of both the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Sore teeth are a great evil, which manifests itself differently in different periods of pregnancy. Infectious foci in the oral cavity are especially dangerous in the postpartum period, since they can cause the occurrence of severe postpartum complications.
But complications can be avoided. And many women during pregnancy remain healthy. The ancient saying "on the tooth for each child" goes to the past. With the correct mode of work and rest during pregnancy, the woman in labor remains whole with her teeth and she gives birth to a child without anomalies from the dentoalveolar system.
In our country, dentists systematically monitor the condition of the mouth and teeth in a pregnant woman. Their task is to improve the oral cavity of a pregnant woman and help her to have a child with a normal dentition system.

Reorganization of the pregnant woman's body consists in the fact that organic and inorganic substances, vitamins and many other things are consumed in the formation of the fetus. Inorganic substances are necessary for the organization of fetal bones. They include the following trace elements: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, silver, iron, chromium, lead, nickel, aluminum, silicon, for teeth - calcium phosphate and hydrofluoric calcium, and phosphoric acid. These micronutrients enter the body in sufficient quantities from food, and yet, in spite of this, some of these trace elements come from the bones and teeth of the pregnant woman herself.
If we consider that the essence of tooth decay caries consists in the emergence from the tissues of the tooth of the above-mentioned trace elements, it becomes evident the possibility of the appearance of carious disease in a woman who even had a healthy dentofacial system before pregnancy, and if she was sick, the diseased teeth quickly break down.
Since the beginning of the organization of the dentoalveolar system in the fetus refers to the end of the second and the beginning of the third week, when the fetus has a mouth, and by the end of the fourth week of embryonic life, the jaw processes begin to form, then, therefore, dental prophylaxis in order to preserve the teeth of the pregnant and normal development of the fetus should begin after the first visit to her of a female consultation in connection with pregnancy.

In those cases when the pregnant woman has affected teeth in her mouth or their remains are roots, it is necessary to urgently sanitize the oral cavity.
Since the treatment and extraction of teeth is not a simple matter, the question arises: is it permissible to treat and remove the destroyed teeth in a pregnant woman? Previously, there was a view that the treatment and removal of teeth during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage or premature birth. However, this view was not confirmed. Now they believe that improving the oral cavity of pregnant women is not only permissible, but also necessary.

Improvement of the mouth is best done at the beginning of pregnancy, when the latter does not cause a sharp restructuring of the body and the fetus is at the beginning of its development, when the symptoms of pregnancy toxicity are still little pronounced. Since at the modern level of dentistry, its procedures for the treatment and removal of teeth are painless, the woman has no reason to avoid the dentist, who should be both her advisor on rational diet, and her doctor in case of dental diseases.

During the sanitation of a pregnant woman's teeth, dentists do not use any medications that, in themselves, can cause or exacerbate the toxicosis of pregnancy.
In cases of severe pregnancy (toxicosis, eclampsia), the bulk recovery of the oral cavity is usually made in coordination with the obstetrician and gynecologist who observe the pregnant woman.

In the absence of sick teeth in a pregnant woman, she should still visit the dentist, as in the second half of pregnancy, especially often there is carious disease and inflammation of the gums - gingivitis. With gingivitis, the gum becomes swollen, enlarged in size and bleeds even with a slight touch to it (gingivitis of pregnant women).

The course of gingivitis is complicated by tartar deposits, as well as with poorly applied seals or worn prostheses. In cases where the mouth has dentures from dissimilar metals and at the same time there are sensations of a taste of metal, dry mouth, there is a burning sensation in the tongue and mucous membrane of the oral cavity or there is a distortion of taste sensations - an unreasonable sensation of sour, bitter, metals should be removed from the oral cavity, as they cause chronic intoxication.

What are the preventive measures for a pregnant woman? In addition to the dental stone removal performed by a dentist, treatment of affected teeth and removal of them when treatment is not possible, much depends on the woman herself. Systematic personal hygiene of the oral cavity is necessary - cleaning the teeth, rinsing the mouth after each meal, and in the presence of dentures - careful treatment with disinfectant solutions.

Much nutrition for the woman and the fetus is of great importance. Diet for pregnant women should be strengthened due to raw fruits, vegetables and milk. Vitamins A, B, C and D and products containing the most trace elements - fluorine, manganese, iron, cobalt and zinc - are needed. Fasting the mother during pregnancy is very harmful for her and for the fetus.

Recommendations for the necessary content in food of various substances per day for pregnant women are as follows: meat or fish 150-200 grams, one egg, 100 grams of curd (or 20-30 grams of cheese), 2-3 glass of milk, 50 grams of butter, about 800 grams of various vegetables, fruits, berries. Power is better if it is four meals a day.
It has been established that with full protein nutrition, there are fewer complications during pregnancy and children are born more robust. It is known that the more diverse the food, the more it contains various trace elements. A pregnant woman needs to eat more vegetables and fruits, drink broths of dogrose and milk. Milk contains a large amount of phosphorus and calcium - these trace elements are very necessary for the formation of teeth. Bread is best used from wholemeal flour. Very useful buckwheat, beans, spinach. It is advisable that a pregnant woman should take no more than 1,5 liters of fluid per day. After giving birth, a woman should take 5-6 food once a day.

Dentistry during pregnancy, video


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