How did Chris Hemsworth get pumped up? Thor - training program

The powerful physique that Chris Hemsworth filled with his role as Thor in the films of the Marvel Universe is the result of hard physical training. Although the actor has been involved in sports from an early age, his height of 190 centimeters made it difficult to gain muscle mass.

Chris began to swing fully at the age of 27 - preparing to shoot the first film about Thor in 2010. A training program of basic and isolation exercises allowed him to gain 10 kg of muscle - bringing his weight to 85-90 kg. And in 2019, he switched to functional training.

// How did Chris Hemsworth get pumped up?

In an interview, Chris Hemsworth says that the main secret of gaining mass was a heavy diet: “All day I was busy with what I ate. Believe me, it's not so easy - there is even when you absolutely do not feel like it. Moreover, such huge portions as I had to eat. "

Even before preparing for the role of Thor, the actor had an athletic physique. He grew up in Australia, whose endless beaches attract surfers all year round. Plus, Chris practiced boxing and was active in rugby - maintaining a high level of physical activity.

To gain muscle mass, Chris focused on the technique of strength training: “How you take the barbell, whether you hold it correctly, in what position your back is, whether your abs are tense and many other small details - all this is very important. Just lifting weights is far from it. "

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Diet and weight gain

The diet for Thor's role was based on high-protein foods, protein shakes, and carbohydrates - a serving of fruit after exercise, and a side dish of vegetables every meal as a source of fiber. Quinoa was the main source of complex carbohydrates.

Every day, the actor ate at least 3000 kcal, about half of which were carbohydrates, a third of proteins, and the rest of vegetable fats. Particular attention was paid to the glycemic index of carbohydrates - sugar and sweets were excluded as much as possible.

// Read more:

  • quinoa - what is it?
  • fiber - content in foods
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Training program

The first weight-gaining program was developed for Chris Hemsforth by coach Duffy Haver. The trainings were carried out according to the following scheme - four days of classes, one day of rest, then the next repetition of the four-day cycle. In a similar mode, the actor trained for about three months.

First day of training

Morning: chest, shoulders

  • Lying Dumbbell Breeding - 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps
  • Bench press (medium grip) - 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps
  • Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raises - 3 sets of 15, 12, 10 reps
  • Standing Side Dumbbell Raises - 3 sets of 15, 12, 10 reps
  • Arnold Press - 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps

Day: boxing or 30 minutes interval running.

  • Punching bag - 5 sets of 3 minutes each
  • Paws - 5 sets of 3 minutes each
  • Rope - 5 sets of 3 minutes each

Evening: press (exercise cycle is repeated three times in a row).

  • Elbow plank - 60 seconds
  • Side plank - 60 seconds
  • Roman chair leg raises - 20 reps
  • Block Crunches - 20 reps
  • Lying side crunches - 20 reps

Second day of training

Morning: Back, arms

  • Pull-ups - 3 sets of 15, 12, 10 reps
  • Deadlift - 3 sets of 10, 8, 6 reps
  • Biceps Barbell Curls - 3 sets of 10, 8, 6 reps
  • French Triceps Press - 3 sets of 10, 8, 6 reps

Evening: boxing and press

  • Same as the first day

Third day of training

Morning: surfing or 30 minutes of interval cardio

Evening: legs

  • Seated Leg Extensions - 3 sets of 10, 8, 6 reps
  • Seated Leg Curls - 3 sets of 10, 8, 6 reps
  • Deep Barbell Squat - 3 sets of 10, 8, 6 reps

Fourth day of training

Morning: press

  • Similar to the program for the press of the first day

2019: functional training

Chris Hemsworth chose functional training to prepare for filming in the final part of "The Avengers". The emphasis of his training program was on developing body flexibility, increasing joint mobility and working out stabilizing core muscles.

Luc Zocchini, an old friend of Chris, became a personal trainer. They began training together in 2017. A key focus of Luke's programs is variability in training and increased control over nutrition and nutrients - he talks about this in his books and publications.

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  • functional training
  • back exercises on the street - workout workout
  • kettlebell exercises

Best training strategy

Luke notes that Chris Hemsworth's most effective bulking training strategy was following the principles of basic training: “The training itself, as a rule, lasted no more than an hour and was designed for two muscle groups per session. We limited the movement to four exercises for each major muscle group with a heavy weight and about 6 to 12 reps. "

The coach also says that the point is not to train more, but to train more correctly. “We tried to stick to three training sessions a day,” he explained. “Sometimes we increased the intensity, but never exceeded six days of training per week.”


In a 2010 interview, Chris Hemsworth admits that it is impossible to keep in shape all the time: “Just four weeks after I stopped training and went on vacation, I lost a lot of weight. Still, maintaining such a volume of muscles is not normal for my body. "

Sources of:


  1. 12 Extreme Celebrity Fitness Transformations, source
  2. Learn how Chris Hemsworth packed on 20 pounds of lean mass, source
  3. Chris Hemsworth's Functional Fitness Workout, source
  4. 'It's about working smarter, not harder': Chris Hemsworth's trainer Luke Zocchi on how the star gets into superhero shape ahead of Avengers, source
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