We walk the difficult road: what does constant self-improvement lead to

Of course, self-development always helps to achieve the results you strive for, no matter what area you develop so hard. However, the race to succeed can sometimes have an extremely negative effect on our psyche - for some people, spending an entire hour watching a video on a video hosting site simply because they like it, but does not bring any benefit to your career and in no way affects your personal development, is simply unacceptable and is equal to a senseless wasting of time. A person literally forbids himself to want something. We decided to find out why we sometimes strive to develop, but it doesn't get any better.

Everybody talks about it

We live in a world of constant competition, this approach is especially familiar to people living in big cities. We are constantly reminded that even an extra hour that we spend in bed for our own pleasure can almost throw us back on the career ladder, "while you sleep, others become more successful" - you have probably heard this phrase more than once. Stop and consider whether the pursuit of success is your desire, or you just don't want to receive disapproval from friends and colleagues?

is success important to you or your community?
Photo: www.unsplash.com

We want to be better at everything

And here there is a danger of losing sight of the line that separates healthy perfectionism from the painful desire to become better. According to psychologists, about half of their clients working in large companies go through an acute crisis a few years after getting a position - it's all about unfulfilled desires, which are sometimes simply unrealizable, but business coaches and advertising insist on the opposite, which leads to emotional burnout. a person who works out of hand, but does not get any result, except for negative consequences on his psyche.

We need to know that we like

Living in a society, it is difficult to ignore his wishes. Each of us, whether he realizes it or not, on a subconscious level seeks the approval of people who are his authority in certain areas. And as we know, everyone can like only currency. If you do not stop striving to receive constant approval, after a couple of years of such a tense state, you will find yourself in a patient's chair in the psychologist's office.

We strive to appear successful and don't want to wait

Very often, our own ideas about ourselves do not coincide with reality, and this can lead to serious disharmony. When we do not receive the reaction that we expect to our actions, the desire to do something further can disappear for a very long time, it is this problem that often becomes the main problem when a person strives to achieve success according to his plan, but the result in life is disappointing. A person stops and ceases to act, no matter how close to success he is. Do not expect people to immediately appreciate your efforts - show more tolerance and you will see the result.

Source: www.womanhit.ru

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