23 funny but useful commandments for losing weight

1. Health is a duty, and fullness is a sin.

2. Missing or faulty elevator protects your health

3. Do not watch the news.

4. Break the toxic relationship.

5. Solve problems, do not self-flagellate.

6. Do not read articles on health from pseudoscientific the press.

7. To get rid of excess weight, sometimes it is enough to get enough sleep and leave your children with relatives for a while.

8. If you still can’t lose weight, quit this lesson. Love your body as it is.

9. Choose the things and activities that make you happy and give you pleasure.

10. There should not be too many fats (even healthy ones) in the diet.

11. Do not limit yourself too tightly in food, if you do not want her to dream at night.

12. In order not to become a victim of anorexia, establish friendly relations with households.

13. To lose weight, you need to overcome overeating.

14. To prevent an attack of gluttony, eat on time.

15. Malnourished, you can doze off right in the subway.

16. Do not be too concerned about your weight.

17. Refusing large doses of sugar is necessary gradually, but the consumption of this product should not be less than the daily norm.

18. Reduce the calorie content of food. Until these indicators come to normal.

19. Hunger must be satisfied, not deceived or ignored.

20. Chewing gum does not replace food.

21. Rest if you feel tired.

22. Do not feel remorse for the extra eclair eaten.

23. Get up from the table when you feel that you are already full, and do not feel a slight feeling of hunger. After all, why then sit down at the table?

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