Lure for Komarovsky, table.

Six months

Lure for mosquito 6 month

06: 00 - 07.: 00 - Breast milk / adapted milk formula

10: 00 - 11.: 00 - Children's low-fat kefir 150ml * + curd 30mg **

14: 00 - 15.: 00 - Breast milk / adapted milk formula

18: 00 - 19.: 00 - Breast milk / adapted milk formula

22: 00 - 23.: 00 - Breast milk / adapted milk formula

* Kefir is introduced into the child's diet as follows. For the first time, give 3-4 teaspoons, and then breastfeed. During the day, we observe the state of the child and the reaction of the body to a new product. If everything is normal, then the next day, increase the "dose" twice and so on (1 day - 15-20 ml, the second day - 30-40 ml, the third day - 60-80 ml, the fourth - 120-160 ml). All this time we feed the baby with breast milk.

** Upon achievement of the required result (150-160 ml kefir) we begin to add cottage cheese to kefir. The first day is 1 teaspoon. The second - two spoons. At this rate we reach 30 grams (30 g for 6-8 children, 50 g for children over 8 months). As a result we get the second feeding, completely replaced by 150 ml of kefir + 30 g of cottage cheese. In this mixture, you can add a little sugar. It depends on the taste preferences of the baby. In a similar rhythm (3-4 breastfeeding and 1 feeding kefir with cottage cheese) live up to 7-th month

Seventh month

Lure for the seventh month of the mosquito

06: 00 - 07.: 00 - Breast milk / adapted milk formula

10: 00 - 11.: 00 - Children's low-fat kefir 150ml + cottage cheese 30mg

14: 00 - 15.: 00 - Breast milk / adapted milk formula

18: 00 - 19.: 00 - Breast milk / adapted milk formula

22: 00 - 23.: 00 - Milk cereals before 200ml *

* We begin to replace one more feeding - preferably the last, before a night sleep. We use milk-cereals. The three species are most rational - buckwheat, oatmeal, rice. The scheme for introducing a new product is the same: the first day - 3-4 spoons + breast milk / adapted milk formula, the second day is twice as large as porridge + breast milk / adapted milk formula and so on. In the end, you must completely replace one feeding with milk-cereals.

Eighth month

Lure for the eighth month of Komarovo

06: 00 - 07.: 00 - Breast milk / adapted milk formula

10: 00 - 11.: 00 - Children's low-fat kefir 150ml + cottage cheese 30mg **

14: 00 - 15.: 00 - Vegetable soup or vegetable puree up to 200ml *

18: 00 - 19.: 00 - Breast milk / adapted milk formula

22: 00 - 23.: 00 - Milk cereals before 200ml

* We replace the third feeding. The time of introduction of vegetable and fruit into the children's ration should coincide with the appearance of at least one tooth in the child. If there is at least one - no questions, start the vegetables. If not, which is unlikely, let's wait a little longer.

To begin with, we perform trial feeding with vegetable broth - we need to check how the child reacts to the vegetables. On the first day we offer 30-50 g, on the second - twice as much. If everything goes well into vegetable soup or vegetable puree and gradually increasing the dose, we completely replace one of the vegetables with vegetables.

We feed 2-3 of the week with a vegetable dish, then, by analogy with vegetables, we test for meat - we cook the soup not in water, but in meat broth (ideally - chicken). If there were no problems, add the grated meat directly to the soup, after another couple of days, again directly into the soup, - the boiled egg yolk - at the beginning of the 1 / 5 part, then more. In any case, before the age of one year more than half of the yolk is not necessary.

** From this period, we increase the amount of cottage cheese to 50.

Ninth - Twelfth month


06: 00 - 07.: 00 - Breast milk / adapted milk formula ***

10: 00 - 11.: 00 - Children's low-fat kefir 150ml + cottage cheese 30mg

14: 00 - 15.: 00 - Vegetable soup or vegetable puree up to 200ml *

18: 00 - 19.: 00 - Breast milk / adapted milk formula ***

22: 00 - 23.: 00 - Milk cereals before 200ml **

* Vegetable soups and mashed potatoes are the most diverse - both in the composition of the vegetables, and in the type of meat - just not very fat. Mashed potatoes with milk and grated meat. With 10 months you can cook soup not on meat, but on fish broth. We give the child both egg yolk and vegetable oil (as food, of course, and not with a spoon).

** Milk cereals are very diverse. We add in them pieces of fruit.

*** A child of up to a year should at least 1 once a day be fed with breast milk. After a year, this no longer has any biological meaning. Adapted milk mixtures can be given up to 1,5 and up to 2-x years - 1 once a day.


Carrying out any "nutritional" tests and innovations, remember: Our main task is to keep the baby healthy, and the older the child, the less dangerous are nutritional experiments for him.

Always be careful with genetically non-native products (which the great-grandfather did not eat, and we do not need it). Children from low-income families are less likely to get sick, above all, because there are not enough funds for overseas delicacies.

Lure for Komarovsky Video:


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