How parents' mistakes for a child in the future

For each of us, childhood is not just a time for growing up, it is one of the most important periods that shapes us as a person. The child, like a sponge, absorbs everything that surrounds it and builds its destiny on the basis of this.

Do we want this or no, but parents and the surrounding environment exert enormous importance on the child's personality. Unfortunately, adults often think that they act for the good of the child or do not see the problem in the manner in which they communicate with him. Sometimes it is not easy to cope with your own fatigue, problems and failures, and the child gets harmful to him about how dangerous the world is, that he is not capable of anything, and the initiative threatens with trouble.

Thus, parents program children for failures and limit their opportunities. And in adulthood, we do not immediately understand "where the legs grow" from our problems with the environment or self-esteem.

Perhaps this small selection will help parents better understand themselves and change something in their relationships with their children.


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