3 simple steps to develop internal motivation in a child

As much as parents would like children to do everything they ask of them. But this is the main mistake. If we want the child to do something, help us, or, finally, continue his studies in English, then our one desire is not enough. It is very important that the child also aspired to this, had personal motivation. It is much more difficult to develop than to just make him follow a parent's requirement, but much more effectively in the future.

Internal motivation is necessary for the child and in the performance of domestic duties (washing, in principle, few inspires, but from the clean dishes much more pleasant), and then, when it comes to serious things like study, sports, health.

It is quite natural, if the children do not agree with us. They must seek their own way, and not only follow our instructions and desires. Sometimes, for lack of motivation in the child, we accept that he simply considers it a parental, and not his need. And parental wisdom is precisely to separate the important from the secondary, somewhere to insist on one's own, and somewhere to make concessions.

3 simple steps that will help motivate the child to succeed:

  • Let the child be independent. If only you know how your child will be better, do not listen to the wishes of the child and his opinion, then this is the surest way to kill any internal motivation for personal development. Is that except to act in spite of you. When we give the child an opportunity to be independent in some way, it means that we show him our trust, and we give the opportunity to take responsibility for making our decisions.
  • We set an example. Often we want from children what we can not or do not own. Unfortunately, even if you act out of good intentions, the children see this discrepancy. Therefore, we should not forget that children take, first of all, an example from their parents.
  • To love and accept your child as he is. The love of the parents should not depend on the success or failure of the child, it should not seek to remake it. But it can support, inspire and help identify the strong qualities of the child, to develop them.

Source: ihappymama.ru

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